my journey

About Me

I completed Kidding Around Yoga online teacher training during lockdown which changed my career trajectory. In teaching children’s yoga I found an occupation that sparked joy and brought energy rather than taking it away. After experiencing life as a Florida school teacher, I realized how important mindfulness skills. My life’s ambition is to teach kids tools to overcome the challenges they will face to secure a brighter future.

What I offer is an entertaining education on ways to calm the central nervous system. This in turn helps with creating healthy relationships both within and out. Of course, we have a lot of fun with games, music, and mindful art projects. I focus on bringing opportunities to develop the mind-body connection. We achieve this by practicing yoga poses, breathwork, mindfulness, and meditation.

While my focus is on becoming more mindful with meditative tools, it cannot be denied the benefits children receive from the physical practice as well. Yoga poses strengthen, stretch, and mobility aid. Whether your child is into sports or drawing, it’s important to keep them moving.

Allow me to assist you in supporting your kids to become more balanced and calm in a world where it is becoming increasingly necessary.

“Between the stimulus and the response there is space, and in that space is your power and freedom.”

-Victor frankl

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